Now that I'm pulling double duties as a blogger and podcaster (here is an awesome link for sexy people ) it seems reasonable to assume I might not get much time to tend to the needs of my Infinite Possiblogities fanbase. However it has been many months since my last post which is both ridiculous and unforgivable. Therefore I think it's only fair that I try and cram in as many posts as I feel I can get away with within the next week or so (remember when I used to update daily? Crazy times). First off the bat we have a review of the first episodes of six different anime series that I got for free with a special Japanese issue of Hyper Magazine. Now normally when I review anime and TV shows I like to review an entire season as a whole because I feel that reviewing such things on an episode by episode basis is very limiting and doesn't give much of an indication as to whether or not the series is worth your time. But unfortunately I don't have whole series here, just the first episodes. So my mini reviews will discuss what was experienced in the episode and whether or not I think the series has any potential to hold my interest. Who knows, I may even end up reviewing a whole series of one of these?

Don't let the bland, uninspired name fool you, because Freedom actually IS bland and uninspired overall. The first thing I noticed was just how boring and dated the animation looked, which isn't normally something I pay any attention to so me noticing it and feeling the need to mention it should be taken seriously. But it didn't stop there because soon I actually found myself laughing at the facial expressions of the characters. Not only were they over the top but they were at times contextually inappropriate. Looks of shock would suddenly strike a characters face in the most mundane of situations. It's like the animators went to a lot of effort with the goal in mind to truely capture the essence of bad acting. I actually found it quite bizzarre. Storywise I was left mostly clueless which was only in part my fault for not paying attention. But from what I gather the story centers around a human colony living on the moon and futuristic car racing. It's one of those anime worlds where society as a whole seems built around a single hobby in the same vein as Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh. It also has that typical anime knack for just dropping you into the deepend with the plot and setting and assuming you'll pick it up as you go along in the series. Which is fine assuming it's done well and has managed to engage you enough to keep watching. But Freedom did neither. I mentioned before that I didn't pay a lot of attention to what was going on and that was with good reason. The fact was I was bored. And being bored and unengaged in the first episode of an anime series would have to be the biggest con you could possibly give. As far as potential goes I don't see a whole lot and I certainly won't bother chasing up the rest of the series unless it comes highly recommmended from a small group of sexy, bikini clad women.

This is actually not the first I'd heard of K-On! (yes, the exclamation mark is part of the title) and I was actually relishing the opportunity to check out this anime. Whilst not exactly blowing my mind from the get go K-On! certainy shows some promise and it certainly shines like a star after Freedom. Storywise, K-On! is much more slow and deliberate; setting up relationships and developing characters from the beginning rather than making you feel like you may have actually missed the first few episodes by mistake (which is how Freedom felt). But despite this I understood the premise well and was left curious about where it will go.
Basically K-On! is about a group of school girls forming a band, only 2 of whom have any sort of established friendship beforehand. The band has 4 memebers, the enthusiastic initiator, her best friend who got dragged into it, the blonde chick without enough personailty to make me remember anything she said or did and the girl who can't play music but has comically been given the role of guitarist whilst she was searching for a club to join. As far as premises go it's not a lot but it's pretty solid and has the potential for comedy, drama as well as some slice-of-life-feel-gooderies. On top of that the soundtrack didn't seem half-bad either and considering it's a show about a high school band/music club it has a lot of potential to get better. Honestly, I'll probably check out the rest of it sometime soon.
Black Butler
Before I even begin talking about this one I want you to do something for me. I want you to consider that there is an anime series called Black Butler and just try and predict what kind of show it will be. Go on just try it.
Ok, well if you guessed it would be a creepy anime for goths about an effeminate but ruthless butler serving a pre-pubescent boy with mummy issues and a twisted moral compass then you get full points. You also get bonus points if you managed to guess that the show would also have some terribly painful comic relief support characters with the potential to ruin the whole damn show. Honestly I don't know why it is that any anime that sets out to be dark, sinister or even just intellectually stimualting they also feel the need to uncomfortably shoehorn in a bunch of irritating fuckwits to lighten the tone.
Don't do it!
But that gripe aside the show seems like it might be ok, if a little sus at times. I mean just look at the pic on the right and tell me there isn't any paedophilia going on there. If that one pic isn't sus enough just google image the show and you'll see that the butler has this habit of suductively removing the white glove from his hand with his teeth. My podcasting pal Joey would have a field day with anyone unlucky enough to be caught watching this show around him. But I digress.
Ga Rei Zero
My initial thoughts of the show are exactly as follows "wow, this looks exactly like a scene from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. And so does that...and that. Oh wait the dialogue is shit and it has monsters in it, nevermind." Ga Rei Zero is another of those "what the fuck is happening?" animes that drop you right in the middle of the jargon and hopes you'll swim. But of all the animes on this DVD this is the one that left me the most confused. See the pic above and note the characters in it. I have never seen them before in my life. They weren't in the first episode (at least as far as I noticed). The characters I thought were the main characters in the first episode die at the end of it (pretty sure it doesn't count as a spoiler if it's the first episode hey). But other than looking like GITS and making me wonder what the hell just happened there is literally nothing compelling me to watch any more of this anime.
High School of the Dead
Another little activity for you. I want you to google image search this anime and find me a picture that isn't like the one above. There in an upskirt pantyshot literally the first minute of this anime. But given that it's a survival horror anime I can kinda let the odd bit of exposed flesh and breast wobble slide because it's what you would expect if a zombie epidemic broke out at a Japanese High School (where skirts are short and clothes are flimsy). Again I'd actually heard of this one before and was keen to see how it stacked up. And you know what it's actually pretty good. The plot is basically summed up in the name and it's got a nice balance of kick-arse action, drama and the necessary "what the fuck is going on?" factor that is actually appropriate in this case because this is the same question the characters are asking themselves. Of all the animes on this DVD this is the one I'm most keen to watch the rest of. Chicks' boobs jiggling about as they're kicking zombies in the head and exposing their underwear, sounds pretty good to me. Again, Joey will tease you for watching this, only this time it'll probably be worth it.

Last on the DVD is Rideback. Rideback is about a girl who was an up and coming dancer following in her mothers footsteps until she tore a ligament and her life as she knew it ended. Whilst coming home from school or college or whatever one day she takes shelter from the rain in a shed where the "Rideback Club" assembles. A Rideback (pictured above) is a sort of transformer bike thing that can adopt a humanoid, bipedal stance. As the girl tries it out the Rideback kinda goes nuts and can't be stopped (for reasons that will probably be determined in episode 2) and whilst riding it's back (you ride on their back, Rideback, get it?) with dress billowing about in typical anime panty-flashing style she experiences the same joys she felt from dancing. That's pretty much all that happened in this episode but don't let that deter you. It may be a bit of a slow burner, especially when compared to everything else on this DVD, but its pace is perfect for the gentle human feel of the show and the gradual development of the characters. Nothing felt rushed or forced. Everything progressed naturally, which is a rare quality you often forget about until you experience it again. But what of the potential? Well that's actually an excellent question. The show really just ends with our heroine riding the Rideback through the air with a look of absolute joy across her face. I do want to know what happens next but to be honest I can't really tell what the series is going to do from here. The gentle pace and tenderness in the tone of the show certainly do a lot to recommend it and I'll definately check it out. But I can't really forsee what the overarching plot might entail and so the question of potential seems much vaguer to answer here.
So that wraps that up. Six different animes of varying genre and appeal, plus 20 "kick-ass anime trailers" that I really couldn'ty be arsed with. I expect maybe half of these will be blogged about again in much more detail at some point, perhaps I'll even refer back to what I said in this post. Anyway, that's one post down. Expect another one soon and keep your eye on this spot.