Let me just get something off my chest. It's been bugging me a while and now that I finally have my very own blog it seems like a good time to just stand up and say..."Kingdom Hearts is seriously overated!" Ok so I'm only 3 posts in and I've already started ranting on video games but right now this is all I wanna talk about. Anyway back to Kingdom Hearts. For those unfamiliar with the game the concept is pretty much a Final Fantasy-Disney crossover. The concept was supposedly conceived when Squaresoft producer Shinji Hashimoto met a Disney executive in an elevator. I can understand how it might've sounded charming and magical to them but for the most part the story and execution feels quite mishmashed and lacking. Perhaps the real conception took place when Shinji Hashimoto dropped acid at Disneyland. To anyone who isn't lucky enough to have done this at some point the story is nothing more than familiar characters and settings strung together with flimsy cliches. Hearts? Keyblades? The Heartless? Donald, Goofy and Sephiroth? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!
The gameplay isn't particularly exciting either. When the game isn't being a weak imitation of Ocarina of Time it's being a completely shit version of Lylat Wars. Too often you're required to merely wander around, hacking and slashing, until a cutscene is triggered. Enemy design is for the most part pretty boring, consisting mostly of a large cast of black blobs. Boss battles on the other hand are actually quite alot of fun and feature many familiar Disney antagonists. If only they weren't watered down with the rest of the game. I honestly can't understand why this game got such positive reviews. At best I'd say that Kingdom Hearts is an interesting idea executed in a mediocre fashion. There's some fun to be had and some magical moments but I'd find it hard to recomment to someone without giving them some serious warnings.
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