Just a quick little post this time because quite honestly if you've reviewed one Pirates movie you reviewed 'em all. So yeah the first Pirates movie was apparently successful enough to warrent a sequel which follows heavily in it's fathers footsteps. Much of the old cast is back, porn and non-porn roles alike, plus there's some fresh new faces ready to sample some of that pirate bounty for themselves.
So what's the story? Well our old friend Captain Edward Reynolds is back and is seen dictating his heroic deeds from the last film whilst posing in the mirror like the insecure, dimwit we know he is. Actually if I had to describe this character to someone I'd say he's just a pirate version of Zapp Brannigan from Futurama, he even does the same self-gratifying "captain's logs" that Zapp does. Anyway it's at this early point in the film that they set up one of several running gags in the film, in which everybody gives credit for the victory at the last movies conclusion to the gunner of the ship, rather than Reynolds himself. Other gags include the never-acted-upon sexual tension between Reynolds and Jules, his commanding officer and childhood best friend. Meanwhile there are these new Chinese pirates who are doing a bunch of supernatural stuff to bring the infamous Victor Stagnetti back to life. Yeah so it seems that Pirates II has a much more oriental bent than its predecessor with no less than two asian characters engaging in the rompy pompy, which is quite nice as a change. So yeah the story is just as silly and goofy as before, which is kinda how we wanted it to be right?
Something of a change in the sequal is the amount of action scenes. Pirates II has a noticably larger number of action scenes than it's predecessor, as long as you don't count sex as action of course. I actually appreciated this and I guess it's what comes from having a budget eight times the size of the original. So yeah, all the high production values are still there and the whole pirate theme is still done really well and from the way the story in this one concludes I'd say that Pirates is likely to become a trilogy. But here's my gripe with this movie. You see the thing about the original movie was that it broke new grounds, it was a landmark in pornographic filmaking philosophies. Sure it was goofy and made light of itself but in all seriousness it was a very important moment in the history of film and the sex industry. So where the first movie represented growth the second movie, with a strong hint of a third, represents stagnation. I said in my original Pirates review that I couldn't wait to see where they went next and all they're really doing is going in circles here. I'd personally like to see the gap between porn and mainstream film narrow and blur a little more. I'd like other themes explored. I'd even like to see them make a porn film with a big budget and longer narrative that isn't fun or cheesy, but romantic or beautiful. Perhaps I'm simply demanding too much at this stage but surely I can't be the only one who sees porn as a relatively unexplored artistic medium for human expression...can I?
P.S. I'm also a little peeved that Sasha Grey didn't get more err....ahem..."screen time." But that's just because she's pretty much my favourite porn star so I wouldn't let it worry you. Yeah that's right I have a favourite porn actress. Judge me.
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