I've noticed something quite strange recently. It's actually something a friend and I noticed a while ago; but I thought it was a one-off occurrence and didn't count on it becoming a trend. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that Donkey Kong has been sounding a little off recently? My friend Dave first noticed it playing Mario Strikers: Charged Football on the Wii and we laughed at the absurd DK immitation. I haven't heard DK sound the same since then. Mario Kart Wii confirmed it; DK's voice has undergone a seemingly permanent transformation. The first question I would like to ask the world at large is "why the fuck would they change DK's voice?" I mean I guess if the old voice actor quit or died or something they might feel the need to replace him but if you think about it Donkey Kong's voices in the past have simply been a roster of grunts and yells. Could't they just recycle the old sounds? I swear that's what they used to do anyway. Considering Nintendo are so into maintaining their oldschool image I can't help but wonder what happened that brought about this change in one of their oldest and most loved characters. I hope they don't think we haven't noticed (I'm not the only one...am I?). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for change. But only if it's a change for the better. All this change does is make make us laugh at it's absurdity. Is that a change worth encouraging? Perhaps Nintendo, on the off-chance you're actually reading this, you should try and make peace with the old voice actor. Buy them flowers and singing tellagrams of appology. Maybe you could make them playable characters in the next inevitable Mario Kart or Smash Bros. game; just to show them you care. I have no idea how you fucked this up but I'd like to see it fixed. If all else fails just copy and paste the audio from DK64.
Also check out this clip from the Donkey Kong Country TV series. One word...sus.
Also check out this clip from the Donkey Kong Country TV series. One word...sus.