Which I got supremely juiced up for. I popped the disc in my Xbox 360 and was totally blown away by the awesomeness of the opening screens (which is highly unusual for me). I selected my character and I watched their intro cutscene. I started fighting. It felt good. It was smooth and sexy but before I knew it the bitch wasn't "in the mood" anymore. After seriously no more than 10 seconds of play time my Xbox 360 was experiencing hardware issues (one blinking red light told me this, non-gamers might not get me on this bit). Fucking Microsoft. I've already had the damn thing fixed before with the highly popular "Red Rind of Death" issue and now I was experiencing some other problem. I called up customer services and they ascertained that because my warrenty had expired I would have to pay $140 to have my Xbox fixed. That pissed me off a whole bunch. They know damn well it's their own fault and they should've done a better job fixing the console tha last time I sent it to them. I still have a working Super Nintendo from the 90's and here I have a console that's broken twice in about 14 months through no fault of my own. This picture pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter (note: not my hand, not my xbox and not my picture).

I was extremely happy a few days later when my girlfriend, who had sympathised completely throughout my bitching, saw the console and asked "so what's wrong with it." I turned it on to show her and something beautiful happened. It was STILL a hardware failure, but it was a good one that Microsoft has had such issues with that they saw fit to extend the warrenty for this particular issue for up to 3 years. My console now had the red ring of death. I must've been the happiest person ever to have their console fuck up. I called up customer care and sure enough they're repairing the console free of charge. I don't know what the deal was, I guess a broken Xbox 360 is kinda shit at self-diagnosis (makes sense really). Kinda seems sketchy especially when warrenty is a major player in the game. So anyway I'm expecting it back soon so expect to hear about Street Fighter IV soon (in this regard you probably wanted my console to stay broken).
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