Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Urban Dictionary Experience

About 2 weeks back a friend of mine received a message using a term that neither of us were familiar. Not to panic, we both thought. The Urban Dictionary will have the answers. So we googled "Urban Dictionary" and clicked the appropriate url and looked up the term "graped out" (the misunderstood term in question). Anyway turns out that the urban dictionary is a little behind my friend as it didn't know what we were on about either. So my friend decided to admit his ignorance in exchange for an explanation. Here it is:

graped out/ adj the state of being drunk off wine or "goon"

I hope that's the correct definition, it was a while ago now. But anyway all this is kinda beside the point. The point is that whilst on Urban Dictionary my friend and I thought it would be a "cool idea" to subscribe to the site; thus getting a cool new colloquialism sent to my inbox everyday so that I may impress all my friends with it's use. That's what I thought I'd get. As it turns out alot of the words I get sent are either too specific for me to use or just plain shitty. For every decent slang term I get 10 or so aweful portmanteau words.

portmanteau words/ noun a word made by telescoping or blending two other words

Just thought I'd help you out there with that one. So anyway the experience is a little lacking. There's always the oportunity to unsubscribe which every email I get reminds me of, giving the impression that they're actually a little embarrased about this service of theirs. But I'm the kinda person who can't help but wonder what he's missing out on. Unsubscribe and I might miss my chance to learn a really REALLY cool word. So I'll just put up with the lame ones for a little while longer. I guess this is what comes from a community wiki site. People just wanna make their own little word and make it big. To this I shrug and say "fair enough" but if you really REALLY wanna make it big you should just write an awesome blog.

(comment and tell me that blogging has changed me)

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