I woke up this morning and boy was I surprised. It seems that someone sent me an email (you know who you are) expressing their dissappointment that I chose to review Sonic Adventure 2 when I said I was going to praise something. I can't believe I'm making that big a splash. Ok so it was someone I actually knew, but I feel it's progress all the same. All I can say in my defence is this. I liked SA2. I felt it deserved more recognition and less criticism. It's my blog and I'll review what I like. That said, I would also like to smother the rumour that ALL I like in life is gaming by telling you what I thought of the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Now I realise that The Dark Knight has been out for a while now and has probably been blogged to death but I have to say that for once the hype is actually well founded. The Dark Knight is awesome and hands down the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Heath Ledger's performance is so superb that I actually forgot about his death. The Joker is an awesome badguy, purely in it for the chaos. The whole film is very thrilling. I'm talking "on the edge" and "auto canibalistic" kind of tension. If you haven't seen it yet stop reading here and GO NOW! This is the kind of film that warrents a cinema viewing. The only problem I have with it is that if they ever make another Batman movie it's probably not going to be able to top The Dark Knight. I could yak all day about how loved it is by me but I fear I may bore you.
Oh and just for the record both Margaret and David gave it 4 Stars...it doesn't get much better than that.
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