First up I'd like to say that I lied in the title. I haven't actually played Beyond Good & Evil...EVER! I want to, but I haven't. Let me tell you my story...
Over the past few months I've been hearing great things about a game of the last generation called Beyond Good & Evil. BG*ampersand*E was very well received by critics but ultimately failed to make a big splash on the public. Now because I'm one of those guys who likes to support excellence and originality and believes that video games are a developing art form I decided to traverse the cyberweb in search of a copy. I was in luck, I found an XBox (the original one) copy on ebay and outbid all my opponents. Just to illustrate again how under appreciated this game is I was the only bidder and I got it for $5. I was extremely chuffed. A few days passed and and the game arrived. Eager to see what all the fuss was about I popped the game into my XBox 360 (I don't own an original XBOX) and tried to play it. This is what appeared on my screen...
Over the past few months I've been hearing great things about a game of the last generation called Beyond Good & Evil. BG*ampersand*E was very well received by critics but ultimately failed to make a big splash on the public. Now because I'm one of those guys who likes to support excellence and originality and believes that video games are a developing art form I decided to traverse the cyberweb in search of a copy. I was in luck, I found an XBox (the original one) copy on ebay and outbid all my opponents. Just to illustrate again how under appreciated this game is I was the only bidder and I got it for $5. I was extremely chuffed. A few days passed and and the game arrived. Eager to see what all the fuss was about I popped the game into my XBox 360 (I don't own an original XBOX) and tried to play it. This is what appeared on my screen...
This original Xbox game is not
supported by your Xbox 360
console. An update to support this
game may be available. For more
info, go to www.xbox.com/games.
Grrrrrr...damn Microsoft have screwed me again. Not only did they make a console that gets so hot that it desolders critical hardware (which I had to have sent away recently) but it's also got the most bullshit backwards compatibility next to the PS3 (the current model of which has none). Of course, they will make an emulator so that I can actually play the game EVENTUALLY. But for now BG&E is on the shelf, once again being under appreciated.
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