First of all I feel I should appologise for my lack of posting. I haven't had regular access to a computer lately because my brothers are doing the HSC and need the computers all the damn time. Anyway enough excuses, it's time to get blogging.

Ok so this happened quite a while ago now and it'll be old news to some of you. But for those of you out of the loop on this one last Saturday I was sleeping at my girlfriends house. I was in a deep sleep when all of a suddenI was awokenby someone moving around. I saw a figure standing beside the bed and, thinking it was my gal, sat up a bit and said something. I can't remember exactly what I did or said but the character bolted from the room like it was the 100m and I'd fired the gun. After a quick rundown of the house it was established that the window and back door were open. That, and my wallet and phone were nowhere to be seen. That means I'll have to gather all my friends numbers up again for like the fourth time. I only just finished up the third time. I'm also currently waiting for my new bankcards and I'll have new pin numbers to remember, it's a bit of a pain but hey, hassles aside, there was one other thing I wanted to mention. Does anybody recall the topic of my second post? It's still here if you wanna check it out. Anyway I basically said how I don't like to sleep with my back to the door, or the majority of the room, for security reasons. Now even though I lost a phone and wallet in this I'm sure that had I not been so jittery and paranoid the house burglers would've had the run of the place. Ok so making out like I'm a big hero is probably only feeding my disorder and perhaps no good has really come from it. But whatever, it's my blog and I can put whatever spin I like on my life's events. Therefore, I feel it only fair to acknowledge that my sleeping disorders are infact crime repelling superpowers.
PS. I realise my MS Paint drawings are shit, it's all a working progress.
1 comment:
You're certainly MY hero.
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