Ask any of my friends and I'm sure they'll tell you that I'm a Nintendo boy through and through. I think the Wii is an awesome piece of hardware with the potential to make gaming that little bit more immersive. That said I can't help but feel that developers are whoring out the poor thing, cheapening it by sticking any old half-arsed, arm flapping, shovelware into it. There are a fair few exceptionally good titles on the Wii but for every gem there a probably about 30 shitty Wii games and it can be hard to see the good for all the ugly in the way. I kinda liked it when Nintendo was the underdog. The Gamecube only had about 8 really excellent games on it but at least they weren't bogged down in crap. Well I guess maybe they were, but at least it wasn't anywhere near as much crap. I'm a fan of motion controls when they add to the experience and help to make the player more intimate with the game. Games like The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption I hold as the finest examples of how motion controls should be implemented in a game. What should NOT be done is make a game based entirely around wanking off the Wiimote as furiously as possible and/or pointing and clicking at the screen. This is LAZY design and says to me as a gamer "We developers don't give a fuck about games, we just wanna make some quick cash." If you remove all of Nintendo's key frachises from the equation (Zelda, Metroid and Mario) there are really only three good Wii exclusive titles left (namely No More Heroes, Boom Blox and De Blob). This brings me to my next point (there's a point?) and that's Madworld. Madworld is an upcoming Wii exclusive title being pitched as an ultra-stylised, surreal, game in which you control a man with a chainsaw arm competing in a televised, deathmatch gameshow. To me the title appears to be interesting, exciting and unique. This is exactly the kind of thing I want the Wii to be about. But the totally shit thing is that the game is looking likely to be banned in Australia because we don't have a damn R18+ rating for video games. There are a buttload of people I blame for this but all I really wanna bitch about here is this. We are going to miss out on some excellent titles in Australia because there are people in government who want to parent us.
"No Angus, that game is far too violent for an ADULT such as yourself. If people play it they will transform into enraged, twisted, psychopaths. It'll be just like the Hulk."
Let me just clear this little misconception up. School shootings and mass murders happen because
- Natural selection pretty much explains that there are going to be emotionally, mentally and psychollogically messed up people every now and then. It sucks but that's just what a diverse reality is all about.
- There is easy access to guns and weapons
The reason missinformed people blame movies, games and music for societies ills is because America cannot bear to let go of it's precious guns. They NEED guns because if they don't have a gun the next time someone attacks them with a gun they won't have a gun to defend themselves with. Does anyone else see the stupidity in this logic?
PS. Congratulations to Luke Wratten for being the first to list themselves as a fan of Infinite Possiblogities. He was just too quick for the rest of you.
i would become a fan if it was as good as oscar's blog...
yeah well Oscar's a fan of my blog now so suck on that.
your posts are too long man.seriously.
i dont even read them anymore
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