Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Apologies

Dear Anonymous Kevin Bloody Wilson fan,

I am sincerely sorry if I caused offence. It was totally out of line of me to write whatever I wanted on my own blog page. You were right not to take my shit and you were right to call me out on it. You argued a good point there. I WAS just jealous that KBW makes so many people happy when all I do is write blogs and pretend to have friends. Are you captain of a debating team or something? Because you totally changed my opinion of KBW and his fans. Just one minor correction though, it was a shitty acronym, not antonym. But who am I to correct you? Just some small-time, loser blogger who never makes people laugh. Thank you for your enlightening words.

Yours sincerely

PS. I'm actually pretty sure I acknowledged that KBW makes lot of people laugh. By that same logic Osama Bin Laden should be praised for giving inspiration to so many Fundamentalist Extremists.

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