Friday, August 29, 2008
News Just In!
What's the Point?

- Adds flavour
- Adds to the texture
- Adds to the presentation
First point to be disregarded is flavour. I have tasted poppy seeds by themself as a test of this and I found it to have no distinguishable flavour. There is however a definate texture, but is it really a desirable one? They're just gritty and unpleasant. They're like a more hygenic substitute for droping the dish in the dirt. Lastly, the presentation. Well I can't deny that the orange and poppy seed cake LOOKS better for having the poppy seeds in them. I guess that's the point, it looks cool. But the enhanced appearance of a desert seems like a small benefit in regards to the reduction in your own appearance when you beautiful smile is compromised by all the small black poppy seeds stuck in your teeth.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Thursday Morning Ritual Plus Some Other Shit

Here's a link
Anyway this week he reviews Braid. A game that I myself recently downloaded from the Xbox Live Marketplace and have been enjoying thoroughly . But I'm not actually here to talk about Braid. I'm here to say how shitty I think the whole "Microsoft Points" system you must use in order to buy the games from Xbox Live Marketplace is. Here's a rundown on how it works.
- In the REAL world you use your REAL money to buy Microsoft Points
- You sign into Xbox Live and start shopping around
- You see something you wanna "buy" and you pay for it with Microsoft Points
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Urban Dictionary Experience
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Public Notice
A Look Back on The Games

- If you like Frontline or The Hollowmen, you should watch it
- If you're a fan of Gina Riley from Kath and Kim, you should watch it
- If you even mildly enjoy John Clarke and Brian Dawe do their comedy interviews on the 7:30 report, you should watch it
- Mockumentaries? Watch it
- Olympic Scandal? Watch it
- Political Sceptic? Watch it
- Watch it? WATCH IT!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Goodbye Beijing
Thursday, August 21, 2008
9 Songs

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, "Whatever Happened To My Rock And Roll"
The Von Bondies, "C'mon, C'mon"
Elbow, "Fallen Angel"
Primal Screem, "Movin' On Up"
Dandy Warhols, "You Were The Last High"
Super Furry Animals, "Slow Life"
Franz Ferdinand, "Jacqueline"
Michael Nyman, "Nadia"
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, "Love Burns"
PS. The movie seriously has a running time of 69 minutes. Also, I'd like to know if anyone else thinks that the guy playing the male lead in this movie looks like Niko Bellic from GTAIV (he's the one on the left).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Spending Up Creepie

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What I Thought of Beyond Good & Evil

Over the past few months I've been hearing great things about a game of the last generation called Beyond Good & Evil. BG*ampersand*E was very well received by critics but ultimately failed to make a big splash on the public. Now because I'm one of those guys who likes to support excellence and originality and believes that video games are a developing art form I decided to traverse the cyberweb in search of a copy. I was in luck, I found an XBox (the original one) copy on ebay and outbid all my opponents. Just to illustrate again how under appreciated this game is I was the only bidder and I got it for $5. I was extremely chuffed. A few days passed and and the game arrived. Eager to see what all the fuss was about I popped the game into my XBox 360 (I don't own an original XBOX) and tried to play it. This is what appeared on my screen...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Today on Infinite Possiblogities; Mr. B Reviews a Sack of Porn
Fuck that was a long intro! Anyway the first thing I found kinda strange is that alot of these tapes feel the need to add stupid, cheezy music. Why? Just because the movie is called Cum Eating Asians these people feel the need to add the clunks and twangs one asscociates with feudal Japan. I mean there are no samurai, kimono's, emperors or ninjas involved; just girls and dicks. Dialogue is another funny addition that some directors feel they need to add. These porn actors and actresses love a good chinwag (sounds kinda dirty in this context huh?). Heaps of questions and small talk. A few jokes to break the ice. What's with it? Perhaps these guys like to get to know a person before going all the way with them. Sounds reasonable, they probably don't want a rep for being "easy."
I'd also like to mention how funny Ben Dover is. Not only is he the first person to assume a prank call persona but he also has such style; rockin' a pink tank top and a hairdo like Robert Plant. Yuk, yuk, YUKKY! Good thing he spends most of the time behind the camera and not being seen. Another example of a strange dress code is the guy who is almost completely naked. The almost here being the strange bit. All he is wearing is a baseball cap. Does he feel naked without it?
Friday, August 15, 2008
This Post's Too Shit for a Title
Fuck! I was gonna post some more shit, but I'm needed elsewhere right now. Many appologies to my loyal readers who have come to expect more from me, but this might have to be all for today. Perhaps you might like to bask in the irony of the fact that this post was supposed to celebrate my unexpected longevity and in itself is by far one of the shortest postings I've ever made. Once again, sorry guys. Hopefully I've greatly improved by Monday.
PS. Got our new fridge this afternoon. It's fucking sweet!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Day in the Life
I'm sorry folks I'm just going to get away from the computer for a bit, collect my thoughts and start again. OK? OK...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ok. So there I was watching this really shit TV show...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

- A sexually empowered weatherwoman who "reinvents" weather reporting by flashing her panties during every forecast
- A jealous rival determined to claim the position of weatherwoman and "reinvent" it in her own way
- A pathetically wimpy, yet totally obsessed fan
- A perverted old man (actually there's probably a fair few)
- A lot of dominatrix style behaviour
- A magical whip that gives you superpowers if you can endure being repeatedly whipped by it
- Several incidents of jumping off high buildings
- Two really horrid song and dance numbers *shudder*
- A publically broadcast weatherwoman showdown
Seriously though, this is only really scraping the surface. There's alot of crazy shit going on in this movie. Again this is reasonalby short movie (clocking in at 85 mins) so perhaps it's worth checking out if only to get yourself some cult movie cred.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Princess Blade.Hot Asian Swordstress, What More Could You Want?

Monday, August 11, 2008
Olympic Opening Ceremony
For me the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony achieved two things. China celebrated its ancient, colourful history rich in tradition and its polluted, secretive, communist present whilst Channel Seven continued its rich tradition of having completely shit commentary. I mean really, do we need someone to tell us there are "Tai Chi performers, on the floor" when they are in plain sight? Just to get all my broadcaster bitchings out of the way quickly I'd also like to point out how sudden and jarring the transitions into the ad-breaks were. One moment you were watching a softly lit, beautifully orchestrated metaphor for something or rather and in the blink of an eye a loud and brash ad for some garbage TV show is thrust into all of your relaxed senses. So let's just say "fuck you" to Channel Seven and move onto the actual event.
The BOOC was for the most part spectacular; featuring wonderful costumes, performances and that intricate attention to detail that you associate with Chinese design. Because the whole event ran for well over 4 hours I'm going to briefly outline some of the acts. There was:
- A giant scroll that dancers wrote on
- A handful of the most rigidly disciplined soldiers the human race has ever produced
- A Chinese Astronaut
- A Tai-chi light show
- Chinese ravers wearing flouro yellow bodysuits wrapped in Christmas lights
- A more innocent, tolerable and Chinese Niki Webster
- An excruciatingly slow moving duet
- Bagpipes playing Scotland the Brave...for some reason
- A ring of attractive, young, cheerleaderesque girls who were forced to jump, wave and dance about enthusiastically whilst the athletes from every single competing country marched out (plus they were wearing high-heeled cowboy to be them)
- And a giant, cooler version of the round lightshade I have in my bedroom (see the picture above)
Olympic Opening Ceremonies do have a tendancy to drag on a fair bit and the Beijing attempt was no acception. Watching every single competing nation walk a lap of the stadium is probably the largest contributing factor. By this time in the evening you'd be forgiven for forgetting that the Olympics is a sports thing. To be honest though, I enjoyed practically everything else. I think that's about all I have to say. The torch lighting was pretty cool aswell; it seemed to be a symbol of their creation of fireworks (which also played a large part in the celebrations).
I promise that tomorrows post will be funnier...maybe...
Friday, August 8, 2008
This is How I Will Lose My Fans
Mr. B is the creative mind behind the Infinite Possiblogities page on Blogspot. Posts on Infinite Possiblogities consist largely of observations and pseudo-reviews written in an informal, manner and are often highly critical. Posts often feature questionable language and grammer that may prove too abraisive and amature for a wide demographic. These posts are often laced with humour although one might argue that the jokes are often few and far between; leaving mostly clumsy and often flimsy remarks that often read like sidenotes of a larger review that is absent altogether. Some posts, particularly possitive ones, are far too lengthy and come across as over indulgent (reviewing things that are only of interest to him). It is hard to imagine who the intended audience actually is. Reviews are often written retrospectively and would therefore have minimal impact and provide little incentive for an occassional reader to read his posts on a daily basis (which is the frequency at which he posts). Mr.b often jokingly cites close friends and family as readers although it is hard to imagine, say, his own mother reading it. In the end it is hard not to conclude that the intended audience is infact himself.
Whilst perhaps enjoyable as a few minutes of escapism, it is hard to recomment myself to anyone other than my girlfriend, friends and myself.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Dark Knight

I woke up this morning and boy was I surprised. It seems that someone sent me an email (you know who you are) expressing their dissappointment that I chose to review Sonic Adventure 2 when I said I was going to praise something. I can't believe I'm making that big a splash. Ok so it was someone I actually knew, but I feel it's progress all the same. All I can say in my defence is this. I liked SA2. I felt it deserved more recognition and less criticism. It's my blog and I'll review what I like. That said, I would also like to smother the rumour that ALL I like in life is gaming by telling you what I thought of the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Now I realise that The Dark Knight has been out for a while now and has probably been blogged to death but I have to say that for once the hype is actually well founded. The Dark Knight is awesome and hands down the best movie I've seen in a very long time. Heath Ledger's performance is so superb that I actually forgot about his death. The Joker is an awesome badguy, purely in it for the chaos. The whole film is very thrilling. I'm talking "on the edge" and "auto canibalistic" kind of tension. If you haven't seen it yet stop reading here and GO NOW! This is the kind of film that warrents a cinema viewing. The only problem I have with it is that if they ever make another Batman movie it's probably not going to be able to top The Dark Knight. I could yak all day about how loved it is by me but I fear I may bore you.
Oh and just for the record both Margaret and David gave it 4 doesn't get much better than that.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A Look Back on Sonic Adventure 2

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Victoria Roberts is Shit

I'm going to skip the whole intro thing and just say it. I hate Victoria Roberts comics. Every week in the back page of The Weekend Australian Magazine, there she is. You can always rely on her cartoons being shit, just like you can rely on the changing tide. The thing that pisses me off the most is she gets paid for it. Does she have the fucking cushiest job in the word or what? I mean think about it, she gets a whole fucking week to work on this single frame and it never says anything sensible; and she gets paid. This stings especially hard for an unemployed soul such as me; slaving away on my blog trying to make it in this crazy world. Writing new posts everyday, hoping to hit the big time. I mean just have a look at the example I have provided. What IS it!? It's nothing. I mean some people think blogs are pretentious wank but holy shit, Victoria Roberts takes the cake and eats it too. This isn't even her at her worst. One week it was a picture of a naked woman holding a feather duster and jumping over a pot plant; the caption read "spring cleaning." I'm sorry if my blogs have quickly turned into bitchy rants but I must say that Victoria Roberts really, really, shits me. Tomorrow, just for a change, I promise I'll try and talk about something I actually LIKE.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Entertainment Industry 101

- Star of their own kids TV show (in which they sing the theme song)
- Merchandise for the TV show is released
- They release an album off the back of the talent they displayed for singing their own theme song
- They star in a movie
- They launch their own clothing lable/makeup lable/perfume lable
- They get photographed being drunk, pregnant, homosexual, bitchy or all of the above
- Their pure image tainted, the celebrity is replaced by a brand new, untainted celebrity
- The cycle repeats
One of the latest pre-teen, career launching TV shows is Zoey 101, starring Jamie Lynn Spears (famous for no other reason than being the younger sister of Britney Spears). Needless to say the show opens with a musical number by the up-and-coming star herself. I watched an episode of Zoey 101 on Rollercoaster the other day and I must say that it is the worst TV show in recent memory. Described generously by Wikipedia as "an American live-action situation comedy" the show follows in the tradition of shows like Lizzie McGuire except that in Zoey 101 everything is painfully worse. It features all the usual suspects; the male best friend with a hidden crush, the female best friend who is just a brunette version of the main character, the nerdy friend who is exploited for her knowledge, the self-obsessed bonehead, the younger brother; the list goes on and on.
Deciding to break no boundries at all, all themes in the show are based loosely around "teenage issues" but also try to maintain the purity of all the characters and actors. As an example of this, in the episode I watched the younger brother became involved with a juvenile delinquent character. To really drive her naughtiness home Zoey says that "she kisses boys on the mouth" and that she "wears too much makeup." Holy Shit! Mouth kissing? What a little slut. Why not also say she can't act and further amp up the hypocracy. The guy friend is also the most pussy whipped guy friend ever. He does ALL the dirty work for Zoey and gets fuck all in return. At one point he resists weakly for a second; Zoey says "pleeeeeaaaaase" and the poor, sexless sap caves like a Beaconsfield mine. The plot is slow moving and laboriously explained at every slight twist. The characters flop back and forth; in and out of fake relationships and in the end nobody ends up with anyone else and the status quo is returned - a clean slate ready for next week. Subtlety and realsim shit themselves and die right at the end when 2 of the characters clothes become invisible by an "anti-skunk-smell" spray. Seriously, this show is aweful and virtually unwatchable. Oh and incase you weren't aware, Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant shortly before the show ended; thus tainting her pure image a little earlier than usual and making way for the next "American live-action situation comedy" to shamelessly cash in on.
Please Excuse the Odd Gaps
I will do my best to update this blog with fresh and exciting new posts every weekday. On weekends I will post when possible but I can't make any promises. I will however do my best to make up for the lack of weekend posts on Monday; when I come back to the blog refreshed and full of shiny new ideas (or a fuckload of old ones that I've polished up to look new).
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Infinite Possiblogities Guide to "Doing a Beardy"
First up you should check and make sure you have no other commitments. If you have work or an exam for example, then now is probably not the time to do a Beardy. Another aspect to consider is the time. A prime time to be doing a Beardy is either between 12pm and 1pm or after school. These timeslots are the times when the mall is at it's busiest, thus increasing your chances of (A) Bumping unexpectedly into someone you know; or (B) seeing some humorous or strange human behaviour.
Please note: If you are trying to avoid someone you may want to consider very carefully which time would be best for you to partake in a Beardy.
To enchance your Beardy experience you may want to take some loose change with you. Perhaps consider going down or meeting up with a friend or two. Not only does a companion liven up the experience, but having someone with you makes you look less lonely and desperate and therefore, more approachable. Having a friend whom is more popular and sociable than you also helps.
Now on to locations. The mall has many wonderful and varied places to visit; from cafes to clothing stores. Feel free to do a little window shopping as you meander between shops. Perhaps if you are feeling peckish you may consider buying some food or drink items to help sustain yourself. If you have friends or family members who are working at a nearby store you may want to pop in and see how they're going. If you followed my earlier advice on choosing the right time they may be taking their luchbreak soon; opening up a possible hour or so in which you could "hang" with them.
That's about all there is to it. Remember, the most important thing of all is that you have fun. Well that and distracting youself from the fact that you're unemployed, socially unacceptable and probably a sevre burden to that popular, well-adjusted guy you keep bugging to go downtown with you.