Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Strange Situation Arises

It has officially been 20 days since my last post. Twenty days of hanging with visiting friends, getting drunk, masturbating and finally feeling guilty enough to do uni work. So you can clearly see why I haven't been blogging as of late (Har-de-har-har). But seriously though I have been in a bit of a fix of late trying to get my head into blog mode. Blog topics can become hard to come up with at the best of times and a strange situation arises when I'm hanging with visiting friends that makes blogging a bit tricky. You see friends bring with them many humorous adventures, stories and show me interesting things that have slipped under my radar (like the "gay fish" episode of South Park). This would, one would think, provide me with a seemingly large supply of post topics for my blog. But as I so often joke, my friends are pretty much my only readers. So then this situation plays out in my head where I debate with myself the relevance of blogging about shit my friends already know about. David getting naked at Ollie's party? It's a good story but my friends were there. Wolverine without special effects? I watched that with my friends. So as a general rule I avoid post topics that will only retread familiar territory for friends. But then what do I blog about? I haven't been doing anything else? I've been too busy hanging with my friends to find anything else to blog about. What I really need to do is see a significant increase in my popularity outside of my close friends circle. Then I could use some of the adventures I share with my friends as entertaining blog posts and most of my audience will be new to it. Then after that happens I'll be even more popular due to my wit and insight and be crowned King of all Entertainment and I'll have enough money to buy my own country. Gosh! It sounds so easy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why Would Anyone Want to Become a Geologist?

Before we begin I want you to think back to your youth. A time of simple joys and mischief. Perhaps you remember running about and playing hide and seek around the forbidden parts of the playground. Perhaps you remember going behind the groundskeepers shed and forcing each other to pass out. I'm sure at some point all of my readers have had some sort of fun involving rocks, whether it be throwing them at some jerk, throwing them through some jerks window or using a rock as crude chalk to write about how much of a jerk some jerk is. Then we have people who have fun with rocks by observing them, what they're made of and trying to work out their history and how they fit in with their environment. Oh what fun THOSE kids must've been. I mean this is a person who loves rocks not as a tool, not as a weapon and not as a source of youthful mischief but because they find them fascinating academically.

I don't get it and I'm sure lots of people don't get it. Now I actually do a geology unit for my Science/Teaching degree and I gotta say that my lecturers definately find it interesting. Hell, when we went on out first field trip there were people who'd brought their very own personal geological hammers for chipping rocks out of the layers. This wasn't required. It wasn't part of the course. It was off their own bat, for their own enjoyment. I could hardly believe that I was seeing two busloads of students on the side of the road all chipping away and discussing their findings. Someone actually said, and I quote...

"I have a rock collection. It's pretty much just rocks"
- some geology jerk

I couldn't beleive what I'd heard. I was suppressing laughter like you wouldn't believe. Here I was, out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of rock crazed uni students and I was apparently one of the few people who just flat out didn't give a shit. Now I know it may not be what I'm into. Sure I don't give a shit if a rock is part of the matle, but you know what? I gotta respect geologists. Here they are in what is arguably the most boring scientific field and they're not afraid to admit they're having fun. So even though I don't understand why anyone would want to be a geologist I admire their passion.

The Great Facebook Experiment

Let's face it, blogging was always going to appeal to me. Here I am, a 21 year old male with a shitload of opinions secretly building up inside of me that I would only feel comfortable expressing in an environment where I can't get punched in the face. So when someone (the use of the word "someone" in this case is a little more revealing than it may's an "in" reference) decided to tell me I should write a blog I did my best to play it cool and hide the fact that I was extremely excited by the thought. "yeah...maybe" is probably something like what I said at the time whilst I was secretly compiling a list of TV shows I thought should burn like a bag of dogshit on an old man's doormat. Anyway so I guess what I'm saying is that when the opportunity for blogging presented itself I felt I adapted to it rather well, with enthusiasm and fresh ideas. When my girlfriend set up a Facebook for me on the sly however, I was fairly conflicted on the matter. Aside from the fact I have little time as it is to do things I actually give a shit about (gaming, blogging, drowning my sorrows) Facebook really seemed like something I would dislike. I didn't get it. Essentially it appeared to me to be the same as a blog, except with a zillion apps to distract from the fact that nobody had anything interesting to say to one another. So when I finally took the wheel of my own Facebook I just stared at it a while, tagged myself in a few photos, sent a few friend requests and logged the fuck out. Is this what I was supposed to be doing? I was honestly confused. Is this how you use Facebook? I still don't really know what I'm doing but I guess I'm starting to get over my initial reservations now. I realised I could probably use my Facebook to advertise new posts on my blog (fucking sad). Plus Sam Thornton is on Facebook, that's a good enough reason for me to keep it.